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Divisions History

Men's Division 1 ShieldspacerWomen's Division 1 Shield

Below is a list of the divisions for the senior athletes season by season highlighting the promoted and relegated teams from the previous season.

Teams promoted or relegated from last season are highlighted as follows:

  • Promoted teams are highlighted in green.
  • Relegated teams are highlighted in pink.

Divisions for 2024–2025 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Didcot A
  3. Headington A
  4. Headington B
  5. Headington C
  6. Newbury A
  7. Oxford City A
  8. Swindon Har A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Alchester A
  2. Banbury A
  3. Bicester AC A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford TC A
  9. Radley A
  10. Woodstock A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Benson Str A
  3. Bicester Tri A
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Great Milton A
  6. Harwell A
  7. Oxford Brookes A
  8. Reading A
  9. Swindon Str A
  10. Team Kennet A
  11. Thame A
  12. White Horse B

plus any additional complete teams and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2022–2023 season.

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Swindon Har A
  8. Swindon Har B
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Eynsham A
  3. Harwell A
  4. Headington B
  5. Newbury B
  6. Oxford TC A
  7. Radley A
  8. White Horse B
  9. Witney B
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 3

  1. Banbury A
  2. Benson Str A
  3. Bicester AC A
  4. Bicester Tri A
  5. Cherwell A
  6. Didcot B
  7. Great Milton A
  8. Highworth A
  9. Hook Norton A
  10. Oxford Brookes A
  11. Reading A
  12. Swindon Str A
  13. Team Kennet A
  14. Thame A

plus any additional complete teams and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2022–2023 season.

Divisions for 2023–2024 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington A
  5. Headington B
  6. Newbury A
  7. Oxford City A
  8. Oxford TC A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Banbury A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington C
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Radley A
  8. Swindon Har A
  9. White Horse B
  10. Woodstock A

Women Division 3

  1. Bicester AC A
  2. Bicester TC A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Great Milton A
  5. Harwell A
  6. Kidlington A

plus any additional complete teams and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2022–2023 season.

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Didcot A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Newbury B
  7. Oxford City A
  8. Swindon Har A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Men Division 2

  1. Alchester A
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Didcot B
  4. Harwell A
  5. Headington B
  6. Oxford TC A
  7. Swindon Har B
  8. White Horse B
  9. Witney B
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Banbury A
  3. Benson Str A
  4. Bicester AC A
  5. Bicester TC A
  6. Highworth A
  7. Hook Norton A
  8. Kidlington A
  9. Radley A
  10. Team Kennet A

plus any additional complete teams and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2022–2023 season.

Divisions for 2022–2023 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Headington A
  6. Newbury A
  7. Oxford City A
  8. White Horse A
  9. White Horse B
  10. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Banbury A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Headington B
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Kidlington A
  8. Oxford TC A
  9. Radley A
  10. Woodstock A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Alchester B
  3. Bicester AC A
  4. Bicester TC A
  5. Eynsham B
  6. Great Milton A
  7. Harwell A
  8. Headington C
  9. Headington D
  10. Newbury B
  11. Oxford City B
  12. Oxford TC B
  13. Swindon Har A
  14. Swindon Har B
  15. White Horse C
  16. Witney B
  17. Witney C

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2021–2022 season .

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Swindon Har A
  8. White Horse A
  9. Witney A
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington B
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Newbury B
  7. Oxford TC A
  8. Swindon Har B
  9. Wihite Horse B
  10. Witney B

Men Division 3

  1. Alchester B
  2. Banbury A
  3. Benson Str A
  4. Bicester AC A
  5. Bicester TC A
  6. Harwell A
  7. Highworth A
  8. Hook Norton A
  9. Radley A
  10. Swindon Har C
  11. Team Kennet A

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2021–2022 season.

Divisions for 2021–2022 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Didcot A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Oxford TC A
  8. Radley A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Alchester A
  2. Banbury A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Headington B
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Kidlington A
  8. Newbury B
  9. Oxford TC B
  10. White Horse B

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Alchester B
  3. Cherwell B
  4. Eynsham B
  5. Eynsham C
  6. Harwell A
  7. Headington C
  8. Headington D
  9. Kidlington B
  10. Oxford TC C
  11. Oxford TC D
  12. Swindon A
  13. White Horse C
  14. Witney B
  15. Witney C
  16. Woodstock A

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2019–2020 season .

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington A
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Newbury A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford City A
  9. Swindon A
  10. Witney A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Alchester B
  3. Bicester TC A
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Eynsham A
  6. Oxford TC A
  7. Swindon B
  8. White Horse A
  9. Witney B
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 3

  1. Banbury A
  2. Eynsham B
  3. Harwell A
  4. Headington B
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Kidlington B
  8. Newbury C
  9. Radley A
  10. Witney C

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds at the end of the 2019–2020 season.

Notes: The promotion and relegation of clubs for the 2021–2022 season were based upon the results of the 2019–2020 season owing to the cancellation of the 2019–2020 season due to the COVID–19 pandemic. Witney B were promoted to Men’s Division 2 following the resignation of Team Kennet T&AC from the League prior to the start of the 2021–22 season.

Divisions for 2019–2020 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Banbury A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Headington A
  6. Newbury A
  7. Oxford City A
  8. Radley A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington B
  5. Highworth A
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford TC A
  9. White Horse B
  10. Woodstock A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Abingdon D
  3. Alchester B
  4. Alchester C
  5. Bicester TC A
  6. Cherwell B
  7. Didcot B
  8. Eynsham B
  9. Eynsham C
  10. Headington C
  11. Headington D
  12. Headington E
  13. Headington F
  14. Kidlington A
  15. Kidlington B
  16. Newbury C
  17. Newbury D
  18. Oxford TC B
  19. Swindon A
  20. Team Kennet A
  21. White Horse C
  22. White Horse D
  23. Witney B
  24. Witney C
  25. Witney D

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Newbury B
  7. Oxford City A
  8. Swindon A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Alchester B
  3. Bicester TC A
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Didcot A
  6. Eynsham B
  7. Hook Norton A
  8. Kidlington A
  9. Team Kennet A
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Banbury A
  3. Cherwell B
  4. Eynsham C
  5. Headington B
  6. Highworth A
  7. Kidlington B
  8. Newbury C
  9. Oxford TC A
  10. Radley A
  11. Swindon B
  12. White Horse B
  13. Witney B

and any other club/team that did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2018–2019 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Banbury A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Headington A
  6. Newbury A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford City A
  9. Radley A
  10. Woodstock A

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Didcot A
  4. Headington B
  5. Highworth A
  6. Newbury C
  7. Newbury D
  8. Team Kennet A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Witney A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Alchester B
  3. Bicester TC A
  4. Cherwell B
  5. Didcot B
  6. Didcot C
  7. Eynsham B
  8. Great Milton A
  9. Headington C
  10. Headington D
  11. Hook Norton A
  12. Kidlington A
  13. Kidlington B
  14. Oxford City B
  15. Radley B
  16. Swindon A
  17. Witney B
  18. Witney C
  19. Witney D

and any other club/team that did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Bicester TC A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Headington A
  6. Newbury A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford City A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Woodstock A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Alchester B
  3. Didcot A
  4. Eynsham B
  5. Hook Norton A
  6. Newbury C
  7. Radley A
  8. Swindon A
  9. Team Kennet A
  10. Witney A

Men Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Banbury A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Highworth A
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Kidlington B
  7. White Horse B
  8. Witney B

and any other club/team that did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Note: As agreed at the 2017 AGM the top two divisions for both the men and women have been increased to 10 teams. Team promotions/relegations for the season–end 2018–19 results onwards will revert to the usual straight 2 up/2 down basis.

Divisions for 2017–2018 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Headington A
  4. Newbury A
  5. Newbury B
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Team Kennet A
  8. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Banbury A
  2. Eynsham A
  3. Kidlington A
  4. Newbury C
  5. Newbury D
  6. Oxford City B
  7. Radley A
  8. Woodstock A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Abingdon C
  3. Abingdon D
  4. Abingdon E
  5. Abingdon F
  6. Alchester B
  7. Alchester C
  8. Bicester TC A
  9. Cherwell A
  10. Cherwell B
  11. Didcot A
  12. Eynsham B
  13. Eynsham C
  14. Eynsham D
  15. Headington B
  16. Headington C
  17. Highworth A
  18. Hook Norton A
  19. Newbury E
  20. Radley B
  21. White Horse A
  22. Witney B
  23. Witney C

and any other club/team which did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Eynsham A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Swindon A
  8. Witney A

Men Division 2

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Bicester TC A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Hook Norton A
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Newbury B
  7. White Horse A
  8. Woodstock A

Men Division 3

  1. Abingdon C
  2. Alchester B
  3. Banbury A
  4. Bicester AC A
  6. Cherwell B
  7. Didcot A
  8. Eynsham B
  9. Eynsham C
  10. Headington B
  11. Highworth A
  12. Kidlington B
  13. Oxford City B
  14. OxfUniPress A
  15. Radley A
  16. Team Kennet A
  17. Witney B

and any other club/team which did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Note: On account of the subsequent resignation of Cirencester T&AC from the League (both A teams having been relegated from the women’s and men’s Division 1 at the end of the 2016–17 season), the third–placed teams in the women’s and men’s Division 3 at the end of the 2016–17 season, Oxford City B (women) and Abingdon B (men), have been promoted to Division 2.

Divisions for 2016–2017 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Headington A
  3. Woodstock A
  4. Cirencester A
  5. Alchester A
  6. Witney A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Team Kennet A

Women Division 2

  1. Radley A
  2. Abingdon A
  3. Hook Norton A
  4. Newbury C
  5. Banbury A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Headington B
  8. Eynsham A

Women Division 3

  1. Kidlington A
  2. Newbury D
  3. Highworth A
  4. Alchester B
  5. Didcot A
  6. Newbury E
  7. Headington C
  8. Abingdon B
  9. Witney B
  10. White Horse A
  11. Alchester C
  12. Cherwell A
  13. Eynsham B
  14. Cirencester B
  15. Abingdon C
  16. Witney C
  17. Newbury F
  18. Hook Norton B
  19. Swindon A
  20. Abingdon D

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Oxford City A
  2. Newbury A
  3. Headington A
  4. Cirencester A
  5. Swindon A
  6. White Horse A
  7. Abingdon A
  8. Alchester A

Men Division 2

  1. Eynsham A
  2. Witney A
  3. Woodstock A
  4. Oxford City B
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Newbury B
  7. Headington B
  8. Cherwell A

Men Division 3

  1. Team Kennet A
  2. Abingdon B
  3. Didcot A
  4. Hook Norton A
  5. Alchester B
  6. Eynsham B
  7. Radley A
  8. Highworth A
  9. White Horse B
  10. Banbury A
  11. Abingdon C
  12. Swindon B
  13. Kidlington B
  14. BLIWCA A

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2015–2016 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Headington A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Oxford City A
  4. Newbury A
  5. Cirencester A
  6. Witney A
  7. Woodstock A
  8. Team Kennet A

Women Division 2

  1. Kidlington A
  2. Abingdon A
  3. White Horse A
  4. Newbury B
  5. Banbury A
  6. Headington B
  7. Highworth A
  8. Eynsham A

Women Division 3

  1. Alchester B
  2. Newbury C
  3. Headington C
  4. Hook Norton A
  5. Cirencester B
  6. Abingdon B
  7. Newbury D
  8. Witney B
  9. Cherwell A
  10. Alchester C
  11. Eynsham B
  12. Highworth B
  13. Abingdon C
  14. Swindon Har A
  15. Radley A
  16. Didcot A
  17. Witney C
  18. Abingdon D

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Oxford City A
  2. Newbury A
  3. Swindon Har A
  4. Witney A
  5. Headington A
  6. Eynsham A
  7. Cirencester A
  8. White Horse A

Men Division 2

  1. Woodstock A
  2. Abingdon A
  3. Oxford City B
  4. Alchester A
  5. Team Kennet A
  6. Kidlington A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Headington B

Men Division 3

  1. Hook Norton A
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Highworth A
  4. Abingdon B
  5. Eynsham B
  6. Banbury A
  7. Oxf Brookes A
  8. Didcot A
  9. Radley A
  10. Kidlington B
  11. Headington C

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2014–2015 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Cirencester A
  4. Headington A
  5. Abingdon A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Eynsham A
  2. Banbury A
  3. Newbury C
  4. Headington B
  5. Team Kennet A
  6. Cirencester B
  7. Woodstock A
  8. White Horse A

Women Division 3

  1. Kidlington A
  2. Alchester B
  3. Newbury D
  4. Abingdon B
  5. Radley A
  6. Headington C
  7. Eynsham B
  8. Witney B
  9. Didcot A
  10. Alchester C
  11. Headington D
  12. Hook Norton A
  13. Swindon Har A
  14. Highworth A
  15. Abingdon C
  16. Eynsham C
  17. BLIWCA A

and any other club/team which did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Oxford City A
  2. Cirencester A
  3. Headington A
  4. Newbury A
  5. Woodstock A
  6. Witney A
  7. Abingdon A
  8. Eynsham A

Men Division 2

  1. Kidlington A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Swindon Har A
  4. White Horse A
  5. Oxford City B
  6. Team Kennet A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Headington B

Men Division 3

  1. Witney B
  2. Banbury A
  3. Cherwell A
  4. Oxford Brookes A
  5. Hook Norton A
  6. Eynsham B
  7. Abingdon B
  8. Kidlington B
  9. Radley A
  10. Highworth A
  11. Didcot A
  12. Headington C
  13. BLICWA A

and any other club/team which did not complete all 4 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2013–2014 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Headington A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Cirencester A
  4. Newbury A
  5. Witney A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Oxford Brookes A
  8. Banbury A

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon A
  2. Headington B
  3. Newbury B
  4. Kidlington A
  5. White Horse A
  6. Team Kennet A
  7. Newbury C
  8. Alchester B

Women Division 3

  1. Headington C
  2. Eynsham A
  3. Swindon Har A
  4. Woodstock A
  5. Hook Norton A
  6. Abingdon B
  7. Didcot A
  8. Cherwell A
  9. Highworth A
  10. Swindon Str A
  11. Witney B
  12. Headington D
  13. Cirencester B
  14. Alchester C
  15. Didcot B
  16. Headington E
  17. Abingdon C
  18. Kidlington B
  19. Eynsham B
  20. Witney C

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Swindon Har A
  3. Headington A
  4. Oxford City A
  5. Abingdon A
  6. Cirencester A
  7. Woodstock A
  8. White Horse A

Men Division 2

  1. Oxford Brookes A
  2. Witney A
  3. Alchester A
  4. Newbury B
  5. Kidlington A
  6. Eynsham A
  7. Headington B
  8. Hook Norton A

Men Division 3

  1. Didcot A
  2. Banbury A
  3. Swindon Harriers B
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Team Kennet A
  6. Witney B
  7. Swindon Str A
  8. Highworth A
  9. Kidlington B
  10. Eynsham B
  11. Radley A

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2012–2013 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Oxford City A
  3. Witney A
  4. Headington A
  5. Abingdon A
  6. Cirencester A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Oxford Brookes A

Women Division 2

  1. Newbury C
  2. Team Kennet A
  3. Banbury A
  4. Alchester A
  5. Eynsham A
  6. Swindon Str A
  7. Headington B
  8. Highworth A

Women Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Newbury D
  3. Woodstock A
  4. Radley A
  5. Swindon Har A
  6. Witney B
  7. Didcot A
  8. Hook Norton A
  9. White Horse A
  10. Eynsham B

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Men Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Cirencester A
  3. Swindon Har A
  4. Headington A
  5. Woodstock A
  6. Abingdon A
  7. Oxford City A
  8. White Horse A

Men Division 2

  1. Alchester A
  2. Newbury B
  3. Banbury A
  4. Oxford Brookes A
  5. Headington B
  6. Hook Norton A
  7. Witney A
  8. Eynsham A

Men Division 3

  1. Abingdon B
  2. Team Kennet A
  3. Woodstock B
  4. Highworth A
  5. Swindon Str A
  6. Didcot A
  7. Headington C
  8. Witney B

and any other club/team which did not complete all 5 rounds last year.

Divisions for 2011–2012 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Cirencester A
  3. Headington A
  4. Team Kennet A
  5. Banbury A
  6. Swindon Str A
  7. Oxford Brookes
  8. Newbury B

Women Division 2

  1. Headington B
  2. Radley A
  3. Woodstock A
  4. Witney A
  5. Eynsham A
  6. Abingdon A
  7. Alchester A
  8. Swindon Har A
  9. Headington C
  10. Cirencester B
  11. Newbury C
  12. White Horse A
  13. Kidlington A
  14. Swindon Str B
  15. Headington D
  16. Hook Norton A
  17. Cherwell A
  18. Eynsham B
  19. Newbury D
  20. Abingdon B
  21. Didcot A
  22. Headington E
  23. Oxford City (did not complete last season)

Men Division 1

  1. Newbury A
  2. Oxford City A
  3. Cirencester A
  4. Swindon Har A
  5. Oxford Brookes
  6. Abingdon A
  7. Woodstock A
  8. Headington A

Men Division 2

  1. Alchester A
  2. White Horse A
  3. Hook Norton A
  4. Witney A
  5. Team Kennet A
  6. Swindon Str A
  7. Newbury B
  8. Eynsham A

Men Division 3

  1. Banbury A
  2. Cherwell A
  3. Kidlington A
  4. Abingdon B
  5. Headington B
  6. Cirencester B
  7. St Edwards Sch
  8. Radley A
  9. Swindon Str B
  10. Didcot A
  11. Eynsham B

Divisions for 2010–2011 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Banbury A
  2. Headington A
  3. Newbury A
  4. Team Kennet A
  5. Cirencester A
  6. Oxford City A
  7. Woodstock A
  8. Swindon Har A

Women Division 2

  1. Headington B
  2. Eynsham A
  3. Newbury B
  4. Witney A
  5. Abingdon A
  6. Swindon Str A
  7. Alchester A
  8. White Horse A
  9. Headington C
  10. Kidlington A
  11. Woodstock B
  12. Highworth A
  13. Oxford City B
  14. Radley A
  15. Eynsham B
  16. Newbury C
  17. Abingdon B
  18. Witney B
  19. Headington D
  20. Cherwell A
  21. Hook Norton A
  22. Cirencester B
  23. Newbury D
  24. Swindon Har B
  25. Headington E

Men Division 1

  1. Oxford City A
  2. Headington A
  3. Newbury A
  4. Swindon Har A
  5. Abingdon A
  6. Cirencester A
  7. Witney A
  8. Team Kennet A

Men Division 2

  1. Woodstock A
  2. White Horse A
  3. Alchester A
  4. Eynsham A
  5. Hook Norton A
  6. Cherwell A
  7. Banbury A
  8. Kidlington A

Men Division 3

  1. Swindon Str A
  2. Headington B
  3. Oxford City B
  4. Witney B
  5. Abingdon B
  6. Highworth A
  7. Radley A
  8. Eynsham B
  9. Didcot A
  10. Headington C
  11. Bicester A

Divisions for 2009–2010 Season

Please note that 2 new clubs have joined the League – Marlborough & District Junior Athletics Club and Oxford Brookes Running & Athletics Club.

Women Division 1

  1. Oxford City A
  2. Team Kennet A
  3. Swindon Har A
  4. Headington A
  5. Newbury A
  6. Cirencester A
  7. Radley A
  8. Alchester A

Women Division 2

  1. Swindon Str
  2. Abingdon
  3. Banbury A
  4. White Horse A
  5. Eynsham
  6. Witney A
  7. Woodstock
  8. Kidlington
  9. Hook Norton
  10. Highworth
  11. Cherwell (did not complete last season)
  12. Bicester (did not complete last season)
  13. and all other B,C,D (etc) teams

Men Division 1

  1. Headington A
  2. Cirencester A
  3. Abingdon A
  4. Oxford City A
  5. Swindon Har A
  6. Woodstock A
  7. White Horse A
  8. Newbury A

Men Division 2

  1. Swindon Str A
  2. Alchester A
  3. Hook Norton A
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Team Kennet A
  6. Witney A
  7. Kidlington A
  8. Headington B

Men Division 3

  1. Eynsham A
  2. St Edwards School A
  3. Highworth A
  4. Radley A
  5. Banbury A
  6. Swindon Str B
  7. Swindon Har B
  8. Headington C
  9. Didcot A
  10. and all other B,C,D (etc) teams

Divisions for 2008–2009 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Headington A
  2. Team Kennet A
  3. Newbury A
  4. Banbury A
  5. Cirencester A
  6. White Horse A
  7. Swindon Har A
  8. Witney A

Women Division 2

  1. Witney
  2. Woodstock
  3. Headington B
  4. Oxford City A
  5. Abingdon
  6. Radley
  7. Swindon Str
  8. Alchester
  9. Eynsham
  10. Hook Norton
  11. Bicester
  12. Cherwell
  13. Highworth

Men Division 1

  1. Cirencester A
  2. Headington A
  3. Abingdon A
  4. Woodstock A
  5. Swindon Har A
  6. White Horse A
  7. Witney A
  8. Hook Norton A

Men Division 2

  1. Newbury A
  2. Oxford City A
  3. Alchester A
  4. Cherwell A
  5. Headington B
  6. Team Kennet A
  7. Swindon Str A
  8. Banbury A

Men Division 3

  1. Eynsham A
  2. Kidlington A
  3. Highworth A
  4. Didcot A
  5. Headington C
  6. Radley A
  7. and all other B,C,D (etc) teams

Divisions for 2007–2008 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Cirencester
  2. Headington
  3. Newbury
  4. Banbury
  5. Witney
  6. Team Kennet
  7. Oxford City
  8. Headington B

Women Division 2

  1. Abingdon
  2. White Horse
  3. Eynsham
  4. Radley
  5. Swindon Striders
  6. Hook Norton
  7. OUP
  8. Cherwell
  9. Bicester
  10. Woodstock
  11. Alchester
  12. and all other B,C and D teams

Men Division 1

  1. Headington
  2. Cirencester
  3. Witney
  4. Woodstock
  5. Headington B
  6. Abingdon
  7. Hook Norton
  8. Newbury

Men Division 2

  1. Oxford City
  2. Swindon Har
  3. Cirencester B
  4. Banbury
  5. White Horse
  6. Team Kennet
  7. Headington C
  8. Alchester

Men Division 3

  1. Eynsham
  2. Swindon Str
  3. Witney B
  4. Cherwell
  5. Kidlington
  6. Highworth
  7. StEdwards Sch
  8. Didcot
  9. Radley
  10. Blue Fin triathlon
  11. and all other B,C,D (etc) teams

Divisions for 2006–2007 Season

Women Division 1

  1. Cirencester
  2. White Horse Harriers
  3. Banbury
  4. Headington
  5. Team Kennet
  6. Witney
  7. Oxford City
  8. Abingdon

Women Division 2

  1. Eynsham
  2. Radley
  3. Swindon Striders
  4. Hook Norton
  5. OUP
  6. Cherwell
  7. Bicester
  8. Woodstock
  9. Alchester
  10. Headington B
  11. and all other B,C and D teams

Men Division 1

  1. Headington
  2. Witney
  3. Cirencester
  4. Abingdon
  5. Woodstock
  6. Headington B
  7. WHH
  8. Hook Norton

Men Division 2

  1. Cherwell
  2. Banbury
  3. Eynsham
  4. Witney B
  5. Cirencester B
  6. Swindon Striders
  7. Team Kennet
  8. Headington C

Men Division 3

  1. Oxford City
  2. Alchester
  3. Highworth
  4. Kidlington
  5. Swindon Harriers
  6. OUP
  7. Woodstock B (did not complete last season)
  8. Woodstock C (did not complete last season)
  9. and all other B,C and D teams